Who Am I?

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Columbia, Maryland, United States
Artist, Graphic Designer, Vocalist, Traveler, Dreamer, Music Addict, Educator

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

teeheehee, turkey day is almost here!

Since I haven't had enought time to blog really, here go a few words and thoughts that can sum up this semester so far :)

Starting in random order: some stuff i'll mention and some stuff i'll live out because not everything is for public access (grin)

-Death: mother's friend passing away
-Birth: Babies, and more babies, (including the birth of my sisters and friends)
-faced with a tough decision
-Trying to pass a Math Class
-Exploring feminism
-Getting a little fiesty at a Darfur documentary showing
-Seeing Feist for the second time in concert
-Missing Mutemath in concert for the first time in 2 years
-Having to Confront a psycho girl for stalking me on the internet (insane)
-The building of new relationships and breaking away from old ones
-Seeing new relationships form
-Not painting enough and designing way too much
-Trying to graduate from college
-liquid libation
-bacon cheeseburgers and mash potatoes
-building a sand castle with a friend
-dancing with old friends and new ones
-ethiopian food
-too much chipotle and not enough sushi
-indian food
-indie dance parties
-leaving an an old pair of earrings at a restauran when new ones were givin to me the same night
-prove it campaign logo
-not spending enough time with my roommates
-spending to much time with a specific someone
-going blind from hours working on my laptop
-preparing to be unemployed after graduation
-soon to be turning 27

that's all for now folks